Gosanja: Dae-dong-yeo Ji-do 2016

Drama History

At a time when maps weren't readily accessible for the public, 'Gosanja KIM Jeong-ho' (CHA Seoung-won) sets out to walk across the Korean peninsula to make the Daedongyeojido - the Great ...

Todos los títulos
  • KR: Gosanja: Dae-dong-yeo Ji-do Gosanja: Dae-dong-yeo Ji-do
  • JP: 古山子(コサンジャ) 王朝に背いた男 古山子(コサンジャ) 王朝に背いた男
  • VN: Ban Dô Máu Ban Dô Máu
  • KR: The Map Against the World The Map Against the World
Fecha de lanzamiento 09 Sep 2016
Enlace IMDb
